Let's take a moment to break it down.
"It is clear that the facts show Mr. Salmon is just a run of the mill lobbyist, seeking special interest influence. While one source had it wrong, all of the evidence clearly proves the underlying point: Matt Salmon is a Washington lobbyist with a record of seeking influence from Democrats."
Mr. Adams seems to enjoy criticizing Mr. Salmon about lobbying while being completely content accepting campaign donations from lobbyists. Oh yeah, and those who have a "special interest". Especially when they were received while he ran for a small legislative district. Now, it's not to say that some of the names listed below who donated to Adams' legislature campaign may have also donated at one time to Matt Salmon's Congressional run. More to the point, it displays blatant hypocrisy and attempt to mislead people into believing that Adams is squeeky clean when it comes to lobbyists and special interest groups.
Barry Arrons, Stan Barnes, Todd Baughman, John Coughlin, Marcus Dell'Artino, Kevin DeMenna, Barry Dill, Thomas Dorn, Meghaen Duger, Michael Gardner, Suzanne Gilstrap, Jeffery Gray, Preston Michael, Karen Michael, Ryan Harper, Trish Hart, Don and Marie Isaacson, Jason Isaak, Lisa James, John Kaites, Jonathan Kaprosy, Larry Landry, Tawnya Ledbetter, Courtney Levinus, Kelsey Lundy, Barbara Meaney, Jaime Molera, James Norton, Ron Ober, Marcus Osborn, Elizabeth Piatt, Julie Krees, Jeffery Sandquist, Kathryn Senseman, Nicholas Simonetta, Susan Stevens, Shelly Tunis, Stephen Wilson
Barry Arrons, Stan Barnes, Todd Baughman, John Coughlin, Marcus Dell'Artino, Kevin DeMenna, Barry Dill, Thomas Dorn, Meghaen Duger, Michael Gardner, Suzanne Gilstrap, Jeffery Gray, Preston Michael, Karen Michael, Ryan Harper, Trish Hart, Don and Marie Isaacson, Jason Isaak, Lisa James, John Kaites, Jonathan Kaprosy, Larry Landry, Tawnya Ledbetter, Courtney Levinus, Kelsey Lundy, Barbara Meaney, Jaime Molera, James Norton, Ron Ober, Marcus Osborn, Elizabeth Piatt, Julie Krees, Jeffery Sandquist, Kathryn Senseman, Nicholas Simonetta, Susan Stevens, Shelly Tunis, Stephen Wilson
Joseph Abate, Steve Barclay, David Bixby, JT Braddock, Mark Briggs, Wendy Briggs, Arthur Chapa, Susan Charlton, David Childers, Charles Cohen, Michael and Carol Curtis, Christopher Dahm, Robert Dalager, Kurt Davis, Chris and Janna Day, Debbie Frydenlund, George Gallinger, John Haas, Hugh Hallman, Norman Hall, Kathy Hancock, Greggory Harris, Stephen Hart, Stephen Hartman, Chris and Julie Herstam, Donald Hughes, Gretchen Jacobs, Allan Kasen, Kimberly Knox, Jay Kramer, John Lasota, Steven Lindley, Michael Low, John and Dede Mangum, John Moody, Roger Morris, John Munger, Edwardo Novak, Kevin Malley, Paul Orome, Keith Overholt, Steve Patience, William Petsas, Frank Placenti, Stephen Roman, Augustus Shaw, Kent Stevens, Steven Twist, Thomas Ziemba.
Susan Anable, Elizabeth Baskett- AZ Hospital and Healthcare Assoc, Charles Bassett - BCBS, Kathi Tees Bernanek - BCBS, Jason Bezozo - AZ Hospital and Healthcare Assoc, Michael Colletto - Professional Firefighters of AZ, Jeff Dodson - Boeing, Meghaen Dugar - AZ Association of Realtors
Barbara Fanning - AZ Hospital and Healthcare Assoc, Thomas Farley - AZ Assoc. of Realtors
James Hamilton, Andrew Jacobs - Policy relations, Mark Lewis - Robinson Comm, Larry Lucero - Tucson Electric, Mitchell Menlove - Greenberg-Traurig, Samantha Omey - Honeywell, Genevra Richardson , Christopher Smith, Christian Stumpf, Brian Tassinari, Penny Taylor, Peter Wertheim, Michael Williams
James Abbott, Karen Abraham, Joel Ackerman, Jo Adkins, Adda Alexander, Thomas Babu, Robert Badal, James Badge, Kathryn Baker, Jon Bartlett, Betsey Bayless, Michael Blaire, Richard Boals, Kathy Bollinger, Mark Bratland, James Brutlag, Kathryn Busby, Jeff Buehrle, Anne Carlsson, Marshall Castle, Al Charlesworth (KIDS CARE), Diana Chrisagis, Lindsey Clyde, Thomas Czyz, Mary Dahlen, Thomas Dameron, Gail Bass Derscheid, Tom Determan, Mark Eltawil, Arthur Epstein, Alois Falkenstein, Peter Fine, David Finn, Paul Friedlan, Phil Friedlan, Sandra Gibson, Terri Gieske, Sean Graham, Gary Greene, James Greenwood, Gerald Hamilton, Annette Hanian, Michael Hanley, Richard Hannon, Larkin Hicks, Jack Hostetler, William Hughson, Joyce Humston, Alan Immerman, George Johnson, Michael Johnson, Steven Kantor, maury Kessler, Dennis Kilpatrick, Lori Klein, Thomas Koelbl, Dawn Knudsen, Rebecca Kuhn, Neha LaCorte, Michael Lamb, David Landrith, Laurie Lange, Marty Laurel, Alvin Levin, Gary Limon, Jake Logan, CM London, Elizabeth Maynard, Robert Maynard, Craig McCoy, Stacey Meier, Andrew Nava, Susan Navran, Eric Novack, Edward Oxford, Kathleen Pagels, Christopher Parot, Robert Pinkert, James Purdy, George Randolph, Anna Raneses, Susan Reckell, David Rockwell, Javier Rodriguez, Kathy Scott, Richard Seebold, Mike Shea, Debra Smith, Robert Spurny, Shannon Steinhauser, Tracy Sullivan, Dan Weinman, Warren Whitney, Tom Wilson, Serge Wright, John Rivers
Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Assn PAC
Healthy Government Committee PAC (Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Arizona)
Ophthalmologists PAC
Southwest Ambulance EMS Employee PAC
United Emergency Med. Professionals of AZ
"What’s more, Mr. Salmon seems to have put his lobbying career ahead of his conservative principles. While he had a conservative record when he served in Congress back in the 1990′s, his record in the decade since he left the House tells another story."
When Kirk Adams was IN the legislature, he was one of only three Republicans who teamed up with known leftists on a "guest worker" bill in 2008. The bill was introduced by:
Senator Arzberger (D), Senator Aguirre (D), Senator Jake Flake (R), Senator Hale (D), Senator Landrum Taylor (D), Senator R Miranda (D) (wasn't he recently accused of defrauding a non-profit organization and tax evasion?). Senator Pesquiera (D), Rep. Bradley (D), Rep. J Burns (R), Rep. M Garcia (D), Rep Konopnicki (R), Rep. Pancrazi (D), Rep. Ulmer (D), Senator Garcia (D), Senator McCune-Davis (D), Senator Rios (D), Rep. Ableser (D), Rep. Adams (R), Rep. Alvarez (D), Rep. Brown (D), Rep. Campbell Chad (D), Rep Gallardo (D), Rep. Lopes, Rep. Lopez (D), Rep. Lujan (D), Rep. McGuire (D), Rep. Meza (D), Rep. Rios P (D), Rep. Sinema (D)
Just HOW left are many of these fellow sponsors? Here are just a few...
David. Lujan served in the House until 2010 when he tried to run for Attorney General but lost in the primary election. He was recently appointed to replace Kyrsten Sinema who left to run for US Congress. His voting record for this year can be found here.

Robert. Meza's platforms are the typical drumbeat of the left...his legislative efforts focus on social issues like health care, immigration, and equality. He has co-sponsored legislation to repeal SB1070, the DREAM Act as well as denouncing Joe Arpaio.
Chad. Campbell was actively involved with the recall effort against Russell Pearce. He is also a member of the faculty for the Center for Progressive Leadership training organization.

Teran with Congressman Flake and other immigration leaders
Lilia Alvarez
Phil. Lopes was the coordinator for the Arizona Progressive Democrats of America. One video of former Rep. Lopes shows him speaking at a Tucson Progressives Conference in April 2011. He says,
We want to try to move the Democratic agenda in our
Progressive, Liberal direction. We have
Worked with Moveon.org on their event supporting the Wisconsin workers
Peace Fair/Parade honoring Cesar Chavez
With Moveon.org, we did a protest of Bank of America
Co hosted with the Arizona Advocacy Network to save Arizona Clean Elections
Participated in events related to the Senator Pearce recall
He offered advice to those in attendance. He said,
How do we energize, motivate our 800 plus members? There's one thing we can all do relatively easily and that is when you have a parade of candidates coming up here, think about the issues that are important to Progressives. Think about Medicare for all. Think about publicly financed elections. Think about clean energy and clean air and think about getting out of Afghanistan....the better question should be
"When Matt Salmon was President of Comptel, the Comptel PAC donated to liberal democrats like Henry Waxman and Ed Markey. And, Salmon personally contributed to liberals like Ed Pastor and Joe Baca as recently as the 2010 election. These are the facts, and they are not in dispute."
We wonder when Mr. Adams will stop running from the facts and finally admit that he really doesn't have an issue with lobbyists or special interest groups and apparently, he doesn't really have an issue with people who donate to Democrats.
This includes the contributions made to Democrats by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America PAC which he donated to through the Adams' Agency as well as the donations made to Democrats by those on his own campaign finance committee.
This includes the contributions made to Democrats by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America PAC which he donated to through the Adams' Agency as well as the donations made to Democrats by those on his own campaign finance committee.
PAC donations:
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) Senate
Steny Hoyer (D-MD) US House
Jessie Jackson Jr (D-IL) US Congress
Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) US Congress
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) US Congress
Michael Bennet (D-CO) Senate
James Clyburn (D-SC) US Congress
Barney Frank (D-MA) US Congress
Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) US Congress
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Senate
John Conyers (D-MI) US Congress
Christopher Dodd (D-CT) Senate
Charlie Rangel (D-NY) US Congress
Campaign Finance Committee Democrat Donations:
Joseph Abate - Giffords '06 $500, '08 $250, Arizona Democrat Executive Committee '06 $300, '07 $600, '08 $300, '09 $300, '10 $300 Pastor '05 $1000 Kirkpatrick '07 $250, '08 $250
Jim Norton - Kirkpatrick (D) '08 $500, '09 $500
Kelly Norton - Giffords '05 $2000, '06 1000 Pastor '10 $2400
Stan Barnes - Giffords '05 $1000, '07 $500, '09 $500, Kirkpatrick '08 $500, '07 $500, '09 $500, '10 $500, Democrat Executive Committee $3000
Kelly Norton - Giffords '05 $2000, '06 1000 Pastor '10 $2400
Stan Barnes - Giffords '05 $1000, '07 $500, '09 $500, Kirkpatrick '08 $500, '07 $500, '09 $500, '10 $500, Democrat Executive Committee $3000
Wendy Briggs - Kirkpatrick '09 $250, '10 $500 Mitchell '10 $500 Giffords '10 $250
Don Isaacson - Giffords '06 $250, '08 $250, '09 $500 Pastor '06 $250
Michael Rappoport - Giffords '06 $250, '07 $250, '08 $500, Udall Colorado (D) $500
Jordan Rose - Giffords '10 $1000
Do we really want to send a clone of McCain , Kyl and Flake to Washington?