Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mesa Education Association Scrubs Meet And Greet Invite With Worsley

We posted back in May about a Meet And Greet invitation that was posted on the Mesa Education Association's Facebook page. 

Join friends and neighbors to meet the candidate Bob Worsley...Republican candidate for AZ State Senate in new LD25. Monday, May 14 6:30 PM 4240 E. Hope St. Mesa, AZ 85205 RSVP to Linda Somo at Refreshments provided.

We also pointed out that the MEA is an affiliate of Saul Alinksy's Industrial Areas Foundation.  The IAF is the same organization that trained Barack Obama in Chicago and Randy Parraz, the Russell Pearce obsessed agitator, in Dallas.

We discovered that sometime in the month of June, the meet and greet announcement was deleted from the MEA page.

This isn't the first time that Worsley's associations and leanings have been scrubbed from the internet. 

What are you trying to hide One-Note Worsley?