Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Senator Rich Crandall Is Job Hunting...In Wyoming

Look who's trying to high-tail it out of Arizona?
Richard Crandall
He's hoping to spread the Common Core poison in Wyoming.
"CHEYENNE – Candidates vying to be the next Wyoming Department of Education director shared their visions for accountability standards, the common core curriculum and other reforms during the first day of interviews for the position."
Crandall's Bio:
"Crandall, a Republican state senator in Arizona, said he wouldn’t shy away from “wholesale changes” that incorporate technology and other innovative learning methods into the classroom.

“This is not a Wyoming problem, this is nationwide problem,” he said. “We are very, very used to the way we have done it ... and I could walk into almost any school and it wouldn’t look that much different from the schools I’ve attended back in the ’70s and ’80s.”

Crandall said he is most passionate about “personalized learning” that customizes lessons to the specific needs of individual students.

“It is the future of K-12 because we are no longer restricted to teaching the same thing on the same day and moving at the same pace,” he said. “Technology allows us to do a complete overhaul of all of that.”

Crandall has been a past chairman of the Arizona Senate and House education committees. He also is the president and chief financial officer of a dietician firm that provides consulting services to nursing homes.

He said he announced earlier this year that he is retiring his state Senate seat so he can pursue his “dream job” of leading a school system.

“Things are such in Arizona right now that with all these crazy bills that come through, there are about six of us that kill them because they don’t do anything for education and they are just a distraction,” he said. “So I said I don’t want, at the end of 10, 12, 14 years (of being a legislator), to be known as the best ‘no’ voter Arizona has ever had.

“So I decided to retire midterm to pursue my passion, which is education.”

The arrogance is thick.  If only those in Wyoming knew about Crandall's REAL track record here in Arizona....

Cheyenne Office (307) 777-7690

Board Contact: Chelsie Bailey (307) 777-6213

Board Members:

Ron Micheli, Chairman
  • Scotty Ratliff, Vice Chair
  • Pete Gosar, Treasurer
  • Sue Belish
  • Kathy Coon
  • Matt Garland
  • Hugh Hageman
  • Ken Rathbun
  • Gerald Reichardt
  • Walt Wilcox
  • Belenda Willson
