But what if one of the lead writers for, say, the ELA Standards also sat on the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) Governing Board whose members are appointed by the Secretary of Education?
And what if the Governing Board members were deemed to be "federal employees?"
We have discussed Susan Pimentel before. She was one of the lead ELA Standards writers and a member of the Standards "Work Group." She was also re-appointed to the NAEP governing board by Arne Duncan in September 2011.
We stated in a previous entry that Susan Pimentel was the Director or Standards Works and Achieve, Inc.
In 1999 she authored the book, "Raising the Standard: A Eight-Step Guide For Schools And Communities." In the book she writes about laying the groundwork for lasting school reform because genuine, long-lasting reform grows from the grass-roots. She lists organizations that can help "guide" the standards such as Achieve and the American Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO).
She said, "Ours is a society that thrives on change...Reform is hard work."
Pimentel donated over $22,000 to Democrats in 2012 (mostly to Obama's campaign). Significantly more than the $4000 donations she made in 2008.