The IAF and Teacher's unions.
All in all
just another brick in the wall.
Breitbart posted an article about a Wisconsin Teacher's Union being trained by a well-funded Alinsky's IAF group.
This didn't come as a big shock to us. We have a Teacher's Union in our own backyard that is an actual AFFILIATE of the Alinsky IAF. And the teachers in this union are
Suppose parents in Conservative
Mesa, AZ even realize this?
A little refresher course:
Two of the groups in the IAF Valley Interfaith Project include:
The MEA website homepage gives the impression that they have nothing but the best interests of the children at heart.
We are a professional association advocating for quality public schools for every child.
Yet, most of what they REALLY do is for the benefit of the teachers themselves. Oh, and they are activists for liberal causes. Anything for the children, right?
President of MEA, Kathy Ray on right
-One of the members of the MEA Facebook page, Robert Unferth, was heavily involved in the Russell Pearce recall effort and recruited help from the IAF MEA organization. He posted last June:
1. Visit the AEA website at for more information on “Wear Red for Ed” and a link to sign NEA’s petition on Education Votes.
2. Visit at this link: to sign up to attend the “Rally to Save the American Dream” being held TOMORROW (2/26) at the Arizona State Capitol at 12 PM.
3. Tell your friends and family, and encourage them to show their support for educators and public employees, as well as workers’ rights
-This month MEA has assisted several teachers with disciplinary issues as well as evaluation concerns. (what about the kids?)
-MEA has an amazing team assembled for bargaining and we have been meeting several times to prepare for the new process, but also to plan for our interests in making our working conditions better.
-Mesa teachers and support staff members have borne the brunt of a bad economy plus a legislature that has certainly not been supportive of public education, public education teachers and support staff. Our elected "leaders" have been especially punitive toward the concept that employees have participation in the decisions that affect our profession, our careers and the student learning for which we are tasked.
-A meeting on February 28, 2012 at Mesa High School featured
So, we have the Mesa Education Support Personnel Association with the Mesa PUBLIC SCHOOLS who is affiliated with the IAF.
We also have the MEA (and the AEA and NEA) with Mesa Public Schools who have ties to the IAF. Suppose those teachers who work for Mesa Public schools and those who pay dues to groups like the MEA, AEA or NEA realize that they are directly supporting the IAF?
All in all it's just
another brick in the wall.