Saturday, April 21, 2012

What Has Jerry Lewis Been Up To Lately?

Surprise visits to the Mesa Latino Diversity Event in January:

Winning "Man of the year" awards.

Participating on panels for the Arizona Emerging Latino Vote Conference in February 2012 sponsored by the Arizona Latino Research Enterprise (ALRE) and the Raul Castro Institute.
(Seen sitting with Phoenix City Councilman Daniel. Valenzuela)

The ALRE website lists those groups joining the Latino Voter Turnout Pledge which includes several leftist organizations such as:

Valle del Sol, Inc. (Hispanic advocacy organization)
Arizona Advocacy Network (advocates to keep "clean elections")
Somos America Coalition  (Founded by activist Lydia Guzman/helping Tom Perez from the US DOJ on the lawsuit against Arizona's SB1070 and Joe Arpaio)
ACLU Arizona
Raul Castro Institute (Founded by Janet Napolitano)
Arizona Center for Empowerment  (AFL-CIO)
Border Action Network  (Open borders protestors)
Arizona Hispanic Community Forum (advocacy group focusing on Hispanic human rights issues)
Mi Familia Vota (Board of Directors are members of SEIU/United Auto Workers Unions)
Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ (Alinsky's IAF)
Protecting Arizona's Family Coalition Educational Fund
Promise Arizona (Helped canvass to get Jerry Lewis get elected)
Puente (Sponsored boycott on Arizona)
Maricopa County Democratic Party
Arizona Democratic Party
Chicanos Por La Causa 
Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Mesa Association of Hispanic Citizens
Arizona Latino Commission
It should be noted that the Republican Party was also on the list which we suspect is why Mr. Lewis was invited.  This is how the left works.  Include a couple of token Republicans who don't recognize they are being used in order to give the illusion of a bipartisan effort.
And, of course, voting NO on bills that would permit employers NOT to include coverage for contraception to employees if the employer has a religious objection. 

But other than that...