Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The IAF. A Little Too Close To Home (eh, Jerry Lewis?)

Suppose Senator Jerry Lewis and those self-proclaimed "Republicans" realize that by signing on to the Arizona Accord, they were aligning themselves with the IAF and Saul Alinsky?

Whether through ignorance or purposeful intent, shame on them.

We know that Randy Parraz was trained in the Alinsky method through the Industrial Areas Foundation.  We also know that Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta were students of Saul Alinsky and his partner, Fred Ross. 

Here is the link to the IAF.

According to their website:

The IAF is non-ideological and strictly non-partisan, but proudly, publicly, and persistently political. The IAF builds a political base within society's rich and complex third sector - the sector of voluntary institutions that includes religious congregations, labor locals, homeowner groups, recovery groups, parents associations, settlement houses, immigrant societies, schools, seminaries, orders of men and women religious, and others.
And then the leaders use that base to compete at times, to confront at times,
and to cooperate at times with leaders in the public and private sectors.

The IAF develops organizations that use power - organized people and organized money - in effective ways. The secret to the IAF's success lies in its commitment to identify, recruit, train, and develop leaders
 in every corner of every community where IAF works. 

Who are these IAF Affiliates?  (note:  All of the affiliates listed below signed off on the Arizona Accord)

We've noted in a previous blog entry how the faith community was being used to push for a more "humane" tone towards immigration.

Two of the groups in the Valley Interfaith Project include

(Mesa Education Support Personnel Association for Mesa Public Schools)

The MEA website homepage gives the impression that they have nothing but the best interests of the children at heart.

We are a professional association advocating for
 quality public schools for every child. 

Yet, most of what they REALLY do is for the benefit of the teachers themselves.  Oh, and they are activists for liberal causes.  Anything for the children, right?

President of MEA, Kathy Ray on right

-One of the members of the MEA Facebook page, Robert Unferth, who was also heavily involved in the Russell Pearce recall effort, posted last June: 
Robert Unferth  RECALL PEARCE - NEXT STEPS: 1) Make calls to over 10,000 supporters; 2) Continue to visit voters every Saturday to sign them up; 3) Voter registration and PEVL sign-ups; & 4) Raise $5,000 by the end of June. Please let your friends and family members know that our campaign is not over! Now is the time to recruit more volunteers and stay engaged, active and vocal! or email to

-If you are looking for ways to make your voice heard, and show your support for your fellow teachers in Wisconsin (and other states), as well as support for all public workers, here are a few things you can do.
 1. Visit the AEA website at for more information on “Wear Red for Ed” and a link to sign NEA’s petition on Education Votes.
2. Visit at this link: to sign up to attend the “Rally to Save the American Dream” being held TOMORROW (2/26) at the Arizona State Capitol at 12 PM. 
3. Tell your friends and family, and encourage them to show their support for educators and public employees, as well as workers’ rights

-Hey teacher friends! Please support Mesa teacher, Mike Conway Monday night as he debates his opponents in Legislative District 18.  HE NEEDS SUPPORTERS, so please support Mesa Education Association's own member! (We have discussed Mike Conway before) 

-This month MEA has assisted several teachers with disciplinary issues as well as evaluation concerns.
 -MEA has an amazing team assembled for bargaining and we have been meeting several times to prepare for the new process, but also to plan for our interests in making our working conditions better.

-Mesa teachers and support staff members have borne the brunt of a bad economy plus a legislature that has certain-ly not been supportive of public education, public educa-tion teachers and support staff. Our elected "leaders" have been especially punitive toward the concept that employees have participation in the decisions that affect our profession, our careers and the student learning for which we are tasked.
-Their upcoming meeting on February 28, 2012 at Mesa High School at 4:30pm will be featuring Joe Rubio from Valley Interfaith Project who will speak about "Organizing for Power."

Joe Rubio is the Supervisor for the IAF Southwest Affiliates.  We know what he thinks about immigration.  He said, criticizing AZ lawmakers who passed SB1070, "Where do the legislators think business will find workers?"

"The accord focuses on common sense solutions, not demagoguery, and it shows that good economics and a humane approach to immigration are not only possible but very necessary.”

So, the MEA teacher's group is hosting a meeting with the Supervisor for the IAF? 

It sounds EXACTLY like something that would be useful 
"for the children".

Just as I'm sure the strategies discussed in a leadership training meeting will help train them to be better teachers "for the children".

Like:  ability to organize, we are activists, organizers, and my favorite....
"Educate so that the word ADVOCATE is seen positive"

So, we have the Mesa Education Support Personnel Association with the Mesa PUBLIC SCHOOLS who is affiliated with the IAF.

We also have the MEA (and the AEA and NEA) with Mesa Public Schools who have ties to the IAF.  Suppose those teachers who work for Mesa Public schools and those who pay dues to groups like the MEA, AEA or NEA realize that they are directly supporting the IAF?
Former MEA President Kirk Hinsey and current President Kathy Ray (on right):