Sunday, February 19, 2012

Protests Lining Up For Republican Debate

It will be a Who's Who of radical leftists.

Arizona Dream Act Coalition & Dolores Huerta
PROTEST at GOP Debate!

The Republican Presidential candidates are coming to Arizona for the CNN debate. Dreamers and supporters will be there to hold them accountable for their anti-immigrant platform and remind them that the Latino community in Arizona has woken up!

If they want to win the L
atino vote, they will have to support the DREAM Act and stop wanting to make us "self deport", as Romney said, if they win the presidency.

Dolores Huerta, a long time civil rights activist , and for many a role model, will be joining us as well.

Please bring your DREAM gear if you have it, and be ready to kick some butt!
Dolores was one of the co-founders of the UFW with Cesar Chavez and worked with Randy Parraz to organize the strawberry workers.

With Barbara Boxer, Carlos Santana and Hilda Solis in Sept. 2010