The full title: The College, Career and Civic Life (c3) for Social Studies State Standards: Guidance for Enhancing the Rigor of K-12 Civics, Economics, Geography, and History
The recommendations are broken down by "Dimensions."
Dimension 1 stresses the importance of anchoring these standards with the current Common Core ELA Standards. The new Social Studies Standards require that students learn how to ask compelling questions, determine what are "reliable" sources, and cite textual evidence.
Dimension 2 is broken down into four categories. Civics, Economics, Geography, and History.
Some Standards include:
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
D2.Civ.1.K-2. Describe roles and responsibilities of people in authority.
D2.Civ.3.K-2. Explain the need for and purposes of rules in various settings inside and outside of school (never question authority, those in power know what is best for you)
D2.Civ.8.K-2. Describe democratic principles such as equality, fairness, and respect for legitimate authority and rules.
D2.Civ.9. K-2 Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions while responding attentively to others when addressing ideas and making decisions as a group (instilling the idea of collectivism and that we are a democracy)
Grade 9-12
D2.Civ.1.9-12 Distinguish the powers and responsibilities of local, state, tribal, national, and international civic and political institutions.
D2.Civ.3.9-12 Analyze the impact of constitutions, laws, treaties, and international agreements on the maintenance of national and international order.
D2.Civ.7.9-12. Apply civic virtues and democratic principles when working with others.
(more indoctrination that we are a democracy)
Kindergarten- 2nd Grade
D2.Eco.1.K-2. Explain how scarcity necessitates decision making.
D2.Eco.2.K-2. Identify the benefits and costs of making various personal decisions.
5th Grade
D2.Eco.3.3-5. Identify examples of the variety of resources (human capital, physical capital, and natural resources) that are used to produce goods and services.
D2.Eco.6.3-5. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital, productivity, and future incomes.
D2.Eco.12 3-5. Explain the ways in which the government pays for the goods and services it provides.
D2.Eco.13. 3-5. Describe ways people can increase productivity by using improved capital goods and improving their human capital.
8th Grade
D2.Eco.1.6-8. Explain how economic decisions affect the well-being of individuals, businesses, and society.
D2.Eco.9.6-8. Describe the roles of institutions such as corporations, non-profits, and labor unions in a market economy
12th Grade
D2.Eco.1.9-12. Analyze how incentives influence choices that may result in policies with a range of costs and benefits for different groups.
D2.Eco.5.9-12. Describe the consequences of competition in specific markets.
D2.Eco.6.9-12. Generate possible explanations for a government role in markets when market inefficiencies exist.
D2.Eco.15.9-12. Explain how current globalization trends and policies affect economic growth, labor markets, rights of citizens, the environment, and resource and income distribution in different nations.
Kindergarten- 2nd Grade
D2.Geo.5.K-2. Describe how human activities affect the cultural and environmental characteristics of places or regions.
12th Grade
D2.Geo.6.9-12. Evaluate the impact of human settlement activities on the environmental and cultural characteristics of specific places and regions.
D2.Geo.12.9-12. Evaluate the consequences of human-made and natural catastrophes on global trade, politics, and human migration.
HISTORY: (less emphasis on the actual historical events and people and more emphasis on what the collective THINKS happened)
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
D2.His.6.K-2. Compare different accounts of the same historical event.
D2.His.12.K-2 Generate questions about a particular historical source as it relates to a particular historical event or development.
D2.His16.K-2 Select which reasons might be more likely than others to explain a historical event or development.
12th Grade
D2.His.8.9-12. Analyze how current interpretations of the past are limited by the extent to which available historical sources represent perspectives of people at the time.
D2.His.13.9-12 Critique the appropriateness of the historical sources used in a secondary interpretation.
D2.His.17.9-12 Critique the central arguments in secondary works of history on related topics in multiple media in terms of their historical accuracy.
Dimension 3: Evaluation Sources and Using Evidence
This dimension emphasizes using sources to analyze information and come to a conclusion to a claim.
Now, imagine schools have iPads or laptops for each student to use in order to research and analyze information. Imagine that these devices come pre-loaded with search engines. Then, imagine that there was something called the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative. We warned about this initiative before that involved the Department of Education and George Soros. With search engines that only direct students to certain articles and omit opposing viewpoints or information (think China), it might make it really hard for a student to write a paper on an opposing view because they would not be able to find sources to support their argument.
Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action
This Dimension is the most disturbing. It is all about training children to become activists.
It states, "...state social studies standards should consider including expectations for students to collaborate with others as they communicate and critique their conclusions in public venues. These venues may range from the school classroom to the larger public community. Collaborative efforts may range from teaming up to work on a group presentation with classmates to actual work on a local issue that could involve addressing real-world problems."
Students are encouraged to critique the work of others and determine the credibility of the sources used.
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
D4.6.K-2. Identify and explain a range of local, regional, and global problems and some ways in which people are trying to address these problems.
D4.7.K-2. Identify ways to take action to help address local, regional, and global problems.
D4.8.K-2. Use listening, consensus-building, and voting procedures to decide on and take action in their classrooms.
12th Grade
D4.7.6-8. Assess their individual and collective capacities to take action to address local, regional, and global problems, taking into account a range of possible levers of power, strategies, and potential outcomes.
D4.8.6-8. Apply a range of deliberative and democratic procedures to make decisions and take action in their classrooms and schools and in out-of-school civic context.
Any reference to specific historical events or figures or reference to our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights or any amendments have been completely omitted from the Social Studies Standards.
Next, we'll show you how states have taken these new standards and adapted them into their own State Standards.